
Preschool 3
Three-year-olds are special! They are transitioning from parallel to interactive play, and their language capacity is blossoming. They are becoming much more mobile and learning to show genuine affection and concern for their peers.
Three-year-olds are no longer toddlers, yet are not ready for a rigorous Pre-K program. BPC Preschool educators understand that three-year-olds' cognitive, physical, and social skills are significantly unique from other ages. Their language and understanding of the world are rapidly developing. We help them grow in these areas while also helping them feel comfortable in a classroom setting away from their caregivers.
Children must be 3 by November 1st and fully Restroom Independent.
Our Pre-Kindergarten program focuses on Social-Emotional Learning and gaining experience in a classroom environment.
Children learn to take turns, make choices, recognize limits, try new activities, follow directions, and feel comfortable in a classroom away from their parents. They also will learn to use art as a form of expression, develop large and fine motor skills, build language and literacy skills, and develop math and science concepts via hands-on exploration.

​Full Day Preschool
Compelling research demonstrates the positive benefits of high-quality, full-day preschool on a child's development. Numerous studies indicate full-day preschool is associated with improved outcomes in areas including language development readiness, higher math and reading performance, and less likelihood of retention in later elementary school.
BPCP is a "School Day" program in response to this research. School hours are 9:30 - 3:30 with an optional extended day until 4:00.